RHS Award Winning

What to do in your garden in September

Gardening in September
Gardening in September
  • Continue deadheading late season bloomers such as dahlias and salvias to keep them flowering to the first frosts.
  • Herbaceous perennials can be lifted and divided now to propogate and rejuvenate them, but must be planted back immediately.
  • Start to clear up spent plants and dead and dying leaves. This has a two prong effect in continuing to keep the garden looking tidy, but more importantly to prevent pest and disease overwintering.
  • Lawns can often look tired and worn out at this time of year. Scarify and aerate it followed by treating with autumn lawn care. Products range from £5.00.
  • Now is the time to plant new trees, shrubs, climbers and perennials so they look established for next spring. We have plenty in stock to choose from.
  • Pep up your spring display by planting more bulbs in the garden. Plenty of bright cheerful varieties in stock.