October is the start of the big clear up and getting ready for putting your garden to sleep! But it does this in a blaze of glory with fiery autumn colour; the gardens last hurrah!
Late season perennials are still looking good. Asters, Rudbeckia, Solidago. Shrubs and trees will be producing berries and hips will be swelling on the roses. Autumn bulbs, colchicums, crocus and cyclamen will be bobbing up their heads for some late enjoyment…..

- Gather up fallen leaves and pile them up to make leafmould. Leafmould is a rich soil improver as it drains freely, whilst retaining moisture. Rakes from £7.99 and Leaf Blowers £69.99.
- Burn plant debris that shows any sign of fungal infection or other disease. Get your self a garden incinerator just £24.99.
Scarify your lawn and apply autumn fertilizer. - Last chance to plant spring bulbs. We still have a lovely selection of tulips, daffs and crocus etc. for impressive spring colour. Bulbs from 60p.
- Also the last chance to plant seed potatoes to be ready in time for Christmas lunch. Hurry! 25p each.
- Lift tender perennials such as Dahlias and Gladioli. Dry them out and store them in a damp free environment out of any frost or heat.
- Geraniums and pelargoniums can also be cut back and stored in the green house or in a cool part of your house for use next year.