RHS Award Winning

What to do in your garden in November

Gardening in November

November can still have plenty of interest in the garden even as colour starts to fade and leaves fall in abundance. Shrubs with coloured stems, trees with interesting bark and varigated evergreens all brighten up the garden through the dull winter months.

Gardening in November
  • The bright red multistemmed shrub such as the Cornas Alba, (Dogwood) will lift any border at this time of year.
  • Viburnum Dawn, in bud and flower throughout winter with its wondeful scent.
  • Mahonia with its long yellow flower spikes a great structural plant in a sheltered border.
  • Skimmia’s with their seasonal berries are just the thing for winter pots and baskets.
  • Euonymus, Elaeagnus and Aucuba all known for their cheerful varigated interest.
  • Now is the time to plant trees, fruit trees, roses, and shrubs.
    Fallen leaves still need to be raked up and can make perfect leafmould. Leafmould is a rich soil improver as it drains freely, whilst retaining moisture. Rakes from £7.99 and Leaf Blowers £69.99
  • Clear out and clean bird boxes and stock up with bird food to keep the birds fed. We have a wide variety of bird food, seeds, nuts and fat balls. See our special offers.
  • Don’t forget to check the bonfire for any hibernating animals before you light it!!
  • There is still time to plant tulip bulbs to flower in spring.
  • Protect tender and new plants or ones planted in exposed places with fleece to protect against frost and wind. Two for the price of one £9.99.