Now is the time to start thinking about buying your summer bedding plants to create your dazzling hanging baskets and container displays.
We source most of our bedding from local growers and we have a great selection in stock now. Come early to save disappointment.
Thin out your vegetable seedlings either grown outside or indoors. If you missed growing by seed we have a huge range of ready to go vegetable plants in stock now. If it’s tomatoes you fancy we have everything to get you started from growbags to growhouses and with more than 16 varieties to choose from there will be a tomato for you.
How about the Black Russian or a Green Zebra. For top quality full flavoured tomatoes we recomend Tomorite plant food. Why not try the 3 litre pour and feed, great value at only £7.49.
What is good for plants is also good for weeds, so keep on top of them with regular weeding either with a hoe or a hand fork. As advertised on TV the new Roundup Gel spot weeder is a good buy. If they are taking a hold in your lawn we have plenty of lawn care products in stock for you to choose from.
Keep your garden and pots well watered and remember to regularly feed for healthier, lushier looking plants wth more blooms.
Trim box hedges and other hedging to keep it into shape.
Fish can be fed regularly once the water has warmed up. Remove duck weed and blanket weed which can stiffle the growth of other aquatic plants and clog up your pond. We are stockists of Tetra Pond and Fish products.
Clear out your spring bedding ready for the summer bedding to commence.
Tidy up spring bulbs that have died back. Nip off the faded flower heads to make sure that the energy remains in the bulb and is not used to make seeds in the flower head.
Keep an eye out for pests and disease.
Protect young tender shoots of newly growing perennials such as
Lupins and Hostas from slugs and snails.
Prevention is always better than dealing with the aftermath of an infestation. With this in mind use Vine Weevil prevention to protect against them. The young larvae feast on the juicy roots of the plant killing a perfectly healthy plant.
Keep on top of mowing the lawn. The feed and weed preparation you did in April should start to show. The moss and weed patches will be dying back and the lawn itself greening up and growing.
If you have large patches of die back on the lawn you can now patch up with seed. Keep it well watered, protected from the birds and remember not to scatter the seed in the wind!!
Now is the time to insert any plant stakes. You will be able to see the low new growth of hardy perennials, such as Delphiniums or Hollyhocks. Put in the plant stakes now so the plant can be supported in its growth.
Cut back Aubretia and Arabis hard after flowering. This will encourage growth from the base of the plant next year and prevent the big tatty bare patches that can often occur.
Tie in climbers that need it, being careful not to allow the stems to rub against the trellis or wall etc.
Train sweetpeas up their canes and watch them romp away. In the veg garden, plant out leeks and brassicas. Protect brassicas with with collars to prevent against cabbage root fly.
Pinch out broad bean tips. This is the part that aphids like the best and there should be less need to spray the plant.
To protect carrots from carrot fly, try planting alternate rows with onions. The pungent smell of the onion will mask the juicy carrot smell, which the carrrot fly loves, thus preventing her from laying her eggs and the larvae feasting on your carrots!
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