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November can still have plenty of interest in the garden even as colour starts to fade and leaves fall in abundance. Shrubs with coloured stems, trees with interesting bark and varigated evergreens all brighten up the garden through the dull winter months.

October is the start of the big clear up and getting ready for putting your garden to sleep! But it does this in a blaze of glory with fiery autumn colour; the gardens last hurrah! Late season perennials are still looking good. Asters, Rudbeckia, Solidago. Shrubs and trees will be producing berries and hips will

Slugs & Snails can be a big bug bear and can have a bumper year with damp conditions. Too many of them for the birds and frogs to keep up with.

If you thought you could rest a bit longer in the warmth of your house, then think again!! The jobs are stacking up. Get your fingerless mittens on and get in that potting shed, greenhouse, allotment or lean to. In the Garden: On the Allotment or Veg Plot: Getting busy in the greenhouse (or indoors):